We have created a demo!

Hi all!
For those of you have not purchased Aporia: Beyond the Valley we have created a small vertical slice of Aporia: Beyond the Valley thats available at GameStop.com. The demo will go through a few different portions of the game, but will jump in time in order to show as much as possible without spoilling the story. This means that it will jump in time and only act as a small teaser for the full game.

The demo can be found and downloaded here:


Download Aporia: Beyond the Valley Demo




(on the page there should be a button labeled “download demo” – only visible if you do not own the game already)

While you are waiting for the download to finish then you should check out our blog about the design and creation of our Memory Markers here written by our concept artist Nina Vinde Folkersen.

We hope that you will enjoy the small portion of the game and support us by purchasing the full version if you liked what you played.
The game is currently 50 % off on every outlet so if you ever wanted to try out the game now is the chance!


Thanks for all the support throughout the development of the game. We could not have made it without the support of our fans!


Best regards

David Jean Heldager
Investigate North


Buy the full version of Aporia: Beyond the Valley here:

       Steam                 Green Man Gaming              Humble Bundle Store

Buy Aporia: Beyond the Valley from Steam!                                Buy Aporia: Beyond the Valley from Green Man Gaming!                                             Buy Aporia: Beyond the Valley from the Humble Store!



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